Table 1-1. Steps in the MDMP
Step 1.
Receipt of Mission.
Step 2.
Mission Analysis.
Step 3.
COA Development.
Step 4.
COA Analysis.
Step 5.
COA Comparison.
Step 6.
COA Approval.
Step 7.
Orders Production.
1-3. Mission Receipt. The staff prepares for the mission analysis immediately on receipt of a warning
order (WO) by gathering the tools needed to perform a mission analysis. These tools include the
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The environmental appendix or annex from higher headquarters (HQ) order or plan.
The maps of the area to help the commander assess likely areas for significant environmental
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The commander's or HQ standing operating procedures (SOPs).
The appropriate documents and references, applicable HN agreements, Department of
Defense (DOD) overseas environmental-baseline guidance documents (OEBGDs), or similar
instructions or guidance.
Any existing staff estimates as well as any applicable lessons learned or after-action report
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(AAR) materials.
1-4. Mission Analysis. Platoon leaders should develop a generic list of environmental considerations
and associated requirements in their respective area(s) to add to the general guidelines given in FM 101-
5, Appendix A. The mission analysis has 17 subordinate steps. While this process results in the staff
formally briefing the commander, there may be items of such importance to the commander and to the
formulation of the commander's guidance that they need to be brought to the commander immediately
rather than withheld until the formal briefing. Anticipation, prior preparation, and a trained staff are the
keys to a timely mission analysis. Use the following mission analysis steps:
Step 1. Analyze the higher HQ order. The commander and his staff thoroughly analyze the higher
HQ order and identify guidance on environmental considerations. If confused by the higher HQ
order or guidance, the staff must seek clarification immediately. While there is generally a specific
annex or appendix on environmental considerations in the higher HQ order, it is not the only
source of guidance. Coordinating instructions or guidance from other leaders may also contain
information that is critical to environmental considerations.
Step 2. Conduct the initial intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB). The IPB is a
systematic, continuous process of analyzing the threat and the effects of the environment on the
unit. It identifies facts and assumptions that determine a likely threat course-of-action (COA). The
IPB supports the commander and his staff and is essential to developing estimates and performing
decision-making. Environmental considerations may make it prudent to focus some of the IPB
support to assist in site selection for units moving into an operational area. Environmentally


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